Daily Riches: Opening Up Space for God in Your Life (Keri Wyatt Kent and Brian Mclaren)

“Dallas Willard once wrote that the secret of the easy yoke is to live your life as Jesus would it he were in your place. How do you do that? I believe the first step is to slow down the pace. That allows you to be fully present, to be mindful, to be intentional, to create space, and to notice where God is working and join him in that work. …[My focus is] on three Christian practices that help us live as Jesus would if he were in our place: simplicity, slowing, and Sabbath-keeping. …Notice that these three create space for practices such as solitude, service, prayer, meditation on Scripture, and others. …Any spiritual practice, from solitude to service, must be approached in an unhurried fashion or the benefits of the practice itself will be lost. Connection with God, which is the reason for any spiritual practice, begins with changing our focus (from ourselves and our problems to God and his sufficiency) and changing our pace (from hurried and distracted to deliberate and focused). That is what simplicity, slowing, and Sabbath-keeping force us to do. They move us toward a life, an easy yoke, which if you let it, will open up space for God. …[redirecting] you toward a simpler lifestyle with more of God in it and to help you find rest for your soul and lighten your burden.” Keri Wyatt Kent

“Resting in the presence of God, without work or speech … one becomes more aware of the companionship, grace, and love of God than one has been of the companionship, demands, and duties associated with other people. …Contemplative practices … are exercised more or less in solitude, making the first cluster [solitude, sabbath, and silence] in many ways the key to the rest.” Brian Mclaren

“For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.” 

Jesus in Matthew 11:30

Moving From the Head to the Heart

  • Imagine Jesus living your life. How would that differ from how you’re living it?
  • Are you able to approach your life with God “in an unhurried fashion?” Is it “deliberate and focused” or improvised and impromptu?
  • Can you imagine “opening up space for God” in your life? Try it. What would that look like?

Jesus, help me as I try to imagine how you would live my life.

For More: Breathe: Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life by Keri Wyatt Kent


These “Daily Riches” are for your encouragement as you seek God and he seeks you. My goal is to share something of unique value with you daily in 400 words or less. If you liked this, please share it! I appreciate your interest!  –  Bill (Psalm 90:14)

“I practice daily what I believe; everything else is religious talk.”

6 thoughts on “Daily Riches: Opening Up Space for God in Your Life (Keri Wyatt Kent and Brian Mclaren)

  1. Dear Keri and Brian,
    I am writing for Juliet Canha who had written a devotional that is an initiation to transformation and rest. In it she has included an excerpt from your work “Opening up Space for God in Your Life”.
    We are seeking permission for use. Thank you for any consideration.
    Yours sincerely,
    Marguex P Sigafus, MA


      • Thanks, Bill! Any idea where you got the material so I could connect with them? (Was it a book?) I am really flying blind on this one. MPS


      • HI,

        The Willard quote is from Keri Wyatt Kent’s book (listed at the bottom of the post). If you google a clean phrase from the Mclaren quote, or for almost anything published, these days you’ll find the bibilographic information online. Hope this helps.

        Pastor Bill Britton, M.Div., Th.M. (516) 242-3721 https://clergyoncallministries.com



      • Bill, wondering if we could cite RicherByFar? It seems that you are the source from which the quotes came. Might add to the people finding your blog. Would you email Juliet Canha if you are amenable and let her know how best to cite your blog? Her email is: jcwholenessministries@gmail.com

        Thanks so much!


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